Just Jack: Everything laid bare Read online

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  “Sure, babe, I can do that. Your place or mine?”

  The puzzled look she gave me made me think I was in the clear until she spoke.

  “Why would you take me to your home? You have woman’s dress there for me? You put me in the shower? You dirty me then you wash me?”

  In my mind a mini movie began to play out her verbal storyboard, but I bet what I was thinking and what she meant were anything but the same thing.

  I told myself I wasn’t one for stereotyping blonde women because some of the smartest females I knew were blonde, but this one wasn’t doing much for the argument.

  “Of course I would. It would be my pleasure. If you get dirty with me then of course I’d clean you, I’m a gentleman after all. And if you play your cards right, you might get to wear this one hundred percent Egyptian cotton shirt in the morning.”

  As she mulled over my proposition a ginormous rough-looking guy came alongside her and rested his huge fat hand on her shoulder. He spoke to her in what I think may have been Russian and his abrupt tone alone was enough to frighten the crap out of me. Blondie replied in a hurried tone, gesticulating with her hands to me then to the guy with the tray, and then back to me again.

  Another quick glance to the stocky guy, and he looked exactly how I was feeling—petrified. He was trying to look innocent and kind of pathetic, and I noted him swallowing roughly a few times as we both held our breaths waiting to see what our fate was going to be at the hands of man mountain.

  I was sure he was going to lay me out on the floor and was trying desperately to work out my exit strategy but instead, he leaned in and clapped his large hand on my shoulder. The weight of his touch almost made my legs buckle.

  “Excuse me. My wife she is very… how you say?… clumsy? I apologise for the wrongness she do to you.”

  My heart never missed a beat as I pulled out the performance of my life.

  “No problem. I’m used to women throwing themselves at me, it’s a curse. I hope she gets the drink stains out.” I said, glancing again at the wrecked material of her clothing.

  As quick as the words were out of my mouth I smirked wickedly and created some distance by swerving around her and heading over to the guys.

  “Out. Now. Hurry. I’m not staying here in case he suddenly changes his mind.”

  Without waiting for them I spun on my heels and made for the door. Once out on the street, Sam chuckled and shook his head while shoving his arm into the sleeve of his coat.

  “Tell me your secret, Jack. How come, when that guy should have been whipping your arse, you get an apology? I was sitting there thinking, Shit! Jack’s really got himself in trouble this time. I even started sizing up your opponent and wondering if I was going to try to help if he started beating on you.”

  Dave was slower to join us outside and looked pissed off about leaving as he closed the door behind him. Standing still, he shoved his hands deep into his jacket pockets and examined his shoes before giving me a burning stare with a scowl on his face.

  “Now what? It’s still two hours before the club even opens. I’m not up for us being the first there, that makes us look sad,” he moaned.

  Chuckling at their lack of adventure, I shrugged and bumped Dave’s shoulder before pushing my own hands into the pockets of my open suit jacket.

  “We can get something to eat. I hate drinking on an empty stomach anyway it makes me tired by ten o’clock. Besides, the drinks will be cheaper in the restaurant than in the club.”

  Dave was a bit of a snob, and like me he came from a family with money, but he couldn’t quite ‘get’ why I made life so hard for myself by not accepting family handouts all the time. He was happy to take whatever was given to him by his parents and couldn’t get that, although I was a man of means, I refused to use money I hadn’t earned myself. Not that he was a shirker when it came to work. He had a great work ethic and put in long hours as a sound engineer in a recording studio.

  Expelling air heavily, his breath misted into the January coldness and he nodded before walking in the direction of the restaurants.

  “Fine by me, but I’m not going Japanese. All that writing on paper place settings and sharing a table with strangers isn’t for me. Especially when you start talking about how your sex life has been in the last week, Jack. It’s a tad embarrassing, especially when you start going into graphic detail and we get sat next to women.”

  I raised my brow not sure what he was talking about and looked at Sam who nodded in agreement with Dave. At that point I thought, maybe I needed to be a little more aware of who was around me.

  After some negotiation we settled on Chinese. I had no idea why we’d even started a discussion about where to eat. We always ended up in a Chinese restaurant when Dave was with us. Our dinner was delicious and relatively uneventful. We’d had a fair few drinks by the time we finally set off for the club. It was still only ten thirty however it was a more respectable time than if we had turned up at nine when the doors opened.

  There was already a queue forming outside Konnect, the newest addition to the club scene in London, but Dave walked to the front with a confident air and stuck a purple and gold coloured ticket into the bouncer’s hand. Checking it quickly, he nodded at another guy who was holding the door handle and let us in.

  Plush purple carpet with a lilac border ran along the wide reception area. To the left there was a sign for the cloak room and another for toilets in gold and purple writing strategically placed above an archway.

  “Jack Cunningham. Where have you been hiding yourself? I haven’t seen you in years.” Spinning around in the direction of the distinctive sexy voice that I knew belonged to Sally Whittington, another a girl I had an on and off relationship with while at secondary school.

  Sally was an extremely attractive girl of about five feet eight inches, mousey brown hair cut in a layered style framing her face and was immaculately groomed. Time had changed her for the better. Slender and tall, my eyes scanned her frame from top to bottom. At the end of her long slender legs were the tallest red patent heels I’d seen in a long time. She was as beautiful as I remembered.

  Both Sam and Dave stood with their jaws gaping and I saw Dave’s eyes raking up and down her body as well, he looked like he was mentally devouring her. Smiling seductively, Sally leaned in towards me like a hawk stalking her prey. She placed a splayed hand on my chest as she closed the space between us. Luckily I turned my head slightly to the side at the last moment and she planted a kiss with her ruby red lips at the side of my mouth. Although I had to admit Sally was stunning to look at and she smelled fucking awesome, I knew already what I’d be getting; an athletic bang with plenty of exchange in body fluids. Unfortunately, I also knew that she was a dead certainty and I preferred a chase these days.

  “Come on, Sal, we need to get to the bar before it’s five deep, I’m drying out over here.”

  Looking over my shoulder I saw a much shorter blonde girl wearing a skirt that made me wonder why she’d bothered with clothes at all. It was like a thin belt below her low cut chiffon light blue blouse, her navy bra showed through it like a beacon. How she was dressed left nothing to the imagination. Sally smiled seductively at me.

  “I’ll see you later, hon. Don’t worry, I’ll find you.”

  Dave shuffled his feet and twisted his lips at me, looking more than a little weary of my women.

  “And she’d be?” he commented, gesturing his thumb in her direction with a note of sarcasm his voice.

  “Sally. Great shag but I’m moving forward tonight, if I was moving backwards it would be Rosie’s door I’d be knocking on, not hers. She’s a great girl, but not a great girl for me.” I explained as I watched her walk away. Dave was struggling to tear his eyes away from her as she sashayed her way towards the bar,

  “Feel free to press on my friend, she’s all yours. You’ll have fun, I guarantee it.”

  Chapter 5 ~ Hands full

  Sweaty, clammy bodies were already in abundance by
the time I had a few tequila shots and a couple of double gins inside me. Pushing my way through the various groups of people, I was perusing the faces of some of the girls on the dance floor until one grabbed my hand. She squeezed it tightly and yanked me towards her beaming face. Familiar eyes caught mine as I smiled in recognition when I made a connection between the face and the name.

  “Hey, Jack.” She hollered, straining to be heard above the music.

  An instantaneous flashback of a wild night I’d spent at my apartment with the girl in front of me sprang to mind. My next thought was that she was also one of Sam’s conquests. Great another one of my girls that Sam has fucked. Not that Lily was ‘my girl’ in that way, but for the second time in a day I had to mind myself around Sam, the women in my life spilled over into his. Reacting less naturally than I normally would have, I remembered that Dave had told me Sam was seeing her. I smiled warmly and gently squeezed her delicate hand back.

  “Hello, Cat, how are you doing, babe?”

  “All the better for seeing you here, Jack. Where have you been? You never called me.”

  Fuck I hadn’t. “Oh, you know my crazy life… and then I met this girl…”

  “Rosie, yeah, Sam told me about her.” Despite the music Cat’s voice sounded a bit flat.

  Well, damn. They’d been talking about me.

  “So, you and Sam?”

  Cat looked slightly embarrassed probably because the night we had shared together was pretty debauched and she hadn’t held a single thing back. I’d fucked her senseless and she had loved it. Her eyes dropped to look at the floor then flicked back at me with an air of defiance. We started to dance to the beat that was vibrating through our feet when she pinched my shirt with her thumb and forefinger and drew me back into her chest again. Her mouth brushed my ear and she raised her voice to be heard again.

  “You never called back. When I ran into Sam a few months ago in a club we hit it off. I hadn’t recognised him at all from that night at your place. It wasn’t until he mentioned Elle and Drew that I realised he was even there.”

  I smirked because she was literally telling me that if I had called she wouldn’t be with Sam. That someho, made me feel better, which was stupid because I didn’t want her in that way anymore.

  “It’s not a problem, Cat. Don’t feel awkward about it, I don’t. Sam obviously doesn’t care that we’ve been together, so why should you? Besides, that was years before you guys got together.”

  Cat’s gaze rose above my shoulder and I felt Sam’s presence behind me before he moved past and slipped a possessive arm around Cat’s waist. Leaning forward he dipped his mouth and planted a slow sensual kiss on her neck. Cat shivered and I suddenly felt like the third wheel dancing lamely in front of them.

  Taking her hand, Sam gestured with his head in the direction of the table like I wasn’t even there. They began weaving their way through the crowded dance floor and Cat tottered in her high-heeled shoes. Her arse swayed from side to side hugged by her sexy satin pencil skirt with a slit up the back and I hung back just enough to watch as I followed them to our table.

  It was marginally quieter back in the seating area and Sam sat down pulling Cat onto his lap. He glanced at me as if to ask if I had any comment for him. I didn’t, he was more than welcome to her. Cat’s arms snaked around his neck and they instantly looked like they were trying to eat one another’s faces the way they were devouring each other.

  Dave was at the bar in deep conversation with Sally and my night was taking a nose dive as my wing men disappeared. Slipping out of my seat, I headed for another area of the bar because I’d seen enough of Cat and Sam, and I didn’t want to scupper Dave’s chances with Sally.

  Seeing a gap in the four-bodies-deep crowd at the bar, I managed to squeeze in and lean on the counter with one elbow. A couple stepped closer to me and I was trapped against it. A pretty barmaid smiled warmly from the other side of the counter and her eye contact silently communicated to me I was next to be served.

  As I began to give her my order a hand brushed over my dick. I immediately straightened and turned my head to the side. Gini, the hot girl from the tube, was staring at me with a wicked smile on her face. I grinned at her forwardness and began to chuckle before my eyes widened as she proceeded to pull my zipper down ever so slowly. My dick was stirring in my pants at the possibility of what she was up to, but above the counter top I was trying to act very normal.

  “Where I come from, people usually greet each other with a hand shake.” I mumbled.

  “I’m not from where you’re from,” Gini replied. She stuck her tongue out in concentration as she tried to fit her hand through the zipper to fiddle around in my boxer briefs.

  “I’m beginning to believe that.”

  I’d never met anyone as blatantly forward before and I couldn’t help but grin widely. I found it increasingly hard to stand still and keep the conversation going while she fished around inside my trousers. Her hand suddenly found the fly-hole in my boxers and without hesitation she slipped it inside. When I felt her gentle soft fingers wrap around my solid shaft her eyes widened, as if she’d found treasure down there.

  “Where are you from, anyway?” Gini asked casually, and I marvelled at how innocent she appeared whilst she felt me up in a public place with hundreds of people packed tightly around us.

  “South Kensington,” I answered honestly. My voice was slightly affected as her fingers tried to tug my dick while it was still inside my boxers. The sensation of what she was doing sent sparks of electricity charging through my body and my length strained for release from its confined space and movements of her hand.

  Gini grinned and licked her luscious glossy lips as she got frustrated. She then began to free my dick from my trousers and held it in both hands under the bar. I could feel the fresh air on my exposed dick even though it was baking hot in the club.

  My head spun as I checked out the crowd to ensure that no one could see what she was doing. Gini raised an eyebrow and smirked as I stood staring at the blue burning gaze in her eyes with wonder. From her appearance she didn’t seem like the type of girl that would have the nerve to do something as outrageous as that in a room full of people with a virtual stranger.

  “Oh, well that explains it. This is how we do it south of the river. We’re much more ‘hands on’ since our ancestors were mainly manual workers.”

  I chuckled as I stood trying to look nonchalant to the barmaid and continue to hold a conversation with Gini. Our discussion wasn’t one of the most fluent ones I’d achieved, and when Gini started running her thumb over the crown of my dick, I thought I was going to burst.

  “Well can’t say I’ve mixed with anyone south of the river before, because I’ve never had someone feel me up in public with a dick shake until today. Twice,” I added, remembering her fondling me on the tube train.

  “Poor Jack. The women in my neck of the woods are obviously much handier than the socialites in yours.”

  She stated piling on a thicker South London accent to highlight the differences between her own accent and my refined North London one.

  With a dry mouth and a longing to be somewhere else entirely with her, I fought desperately to appear calm and not at all fazed by her breaching my personal body space and tackling what was now not in my trousers without a care. I was trying to think of a smart comeback but when I spoke back, my voice was an octave lower and there was a newfound urgency in it.

  “It would seem so.” I swallowed with some difficulty.

  I gazied hungrily into her glittering eyes, and I watched her mouth curl up at the sides with pleasure. She lifted one of her hands to her mouth and licked her fingertips. Smirking mischievously, her hand disappeared back below the counter and I felt the wetness skim the length of my dick from root to tip. Gini leaned in, her perfume smelled alluring and I breathed in deeply, inhaling her seductive aroma.

  “Vodka Cranberry please.”

  Hearing Gini’s request dragged my mind b
ack to the barmaid who had been standing watching me the whole time and I realised she was waiting to be paid. Nodding slowly, the girl behind the bar started making the drink and Gini suddenly tucked my dick back in my trousers and pulled my zipper back up. By the time the barmaid was finished and I’d paid, she had me respectable and good to go.

  Picking up the beverage, she raised the glass to her lips and tipped her head back, downing the rosy coloured drink in one go. She placed the empty glass back on the bar and licked her lips again. Her fingertips rose to her mouth and traced her wet lips in a sexy move that had my erect neglected dick twitching in my trousers once more.


  My lips curved in a half smile and I was tempted to say an old clichéd phrase, “No, it’s just the way I’m standing,” but my boner was aching and straining against my zipper. If I had tried to walk I was sure I’d have a limp.

  Gini was just incredible. Sassy mouthed, a great body and gorgeous features, and to me she was a very pretty little package. Definitely the type of girl I was attracted to. Dressed in a short red dress with two patched pockets at the front, she looked classically beautiful. The material wasn’t too clingy, but it suited her perfectly. The innocence of the dress made her more provocative with a hint of her amazing creamy cleavage just visible from the square cut neckline. Overall, she alluded that she’d be explosive if I ever got inside her.

  I felt her hand slip into mine, her fingers closed around it. She tugged me through the crush until we ran out of carpet and skidded onto the polished floor beside hundreds of other dancing clubbers.

  Still holding my hand, Gini twirled around and managed to wrap herself in my arms with my front to her back and my hand tightly around her waist. Vertical spooning, my second favourite position after horizontal spooning, and the way Gini expertly manoeuvred herself left very little in the way of air between our bodies.