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Piper: A Last Score Spin Off Page 13

  Inviting him in, I stood to the side to let him walk past me.

  “After you,” he said, gesturing for me to walk ahead of him. I walked further into the room and turned to see him softly close the door.

  “Is it okay for me to be here?”

  “Isn’t it a little late to ask that question?” I asked in a flat tone.

  He snickered, and I found it hard to hold his gaze because his surprise visit had set off a riot of emotions I could hardly control. Everything from anger at his silence, to an air of anticipation gripped me.

  “I suppose.” He shrugged flashing me the same sexy grin that always melted me as he wandered over to the couch. “Your place looks amazing, Piper,” he praised, tipping his chin at the room. I was pleased he approved because his taste was impeccable.

  “Thanks, but it's Gibson and Chloe who deserve the credit… oh and the oversized cushions are all Melody,” I said, pointing to the two incongruent orange elephant cushions in the otherwise navy-blue leather and cream décor.

  “They complement the color scheme well.”

  I was dying to dispense with the pleasantries and get down to why he was here. “Did you come to check out my apartment or was there something else?” I asked in a clipped tone.

  “Piper,” he shook his head as he stared at me and smiled, “With you, there’s always gonna be something else,” he replied with a tease in his voice.

  “Go on then, I’m listening.” My outer shell of a body was passive whereas every cell on the inside was buzzed by his flirtatious answer.

  Rubbing his hands together, for the first time I saw a hint of nerves and felt amazed because he was one of the most self-assured people I had ever met.

  “Firstly, I want to apologize for how I behaved this weekend.” He sighed. My chest ached because I felt his angst and wondered if he felt he’d made a terrible mistake. Glancing up, our eyes met, and the intensity of how he looked at me stole my breath.

  “Piper, I should never have done what we did, but everything happened so fast… though not fast enough for me.” Pausing, he rubbed his hands together again. Still locked in his gaze, I sat slowly on the arm of the couch nearest me and across from him.

  “I meant everything I said, Piper. My prize comment was stupid… and it wasn’t meant in the way you took it. I guess I’m not used to being thoughtful with my smart mouth around women.”

  His apology seemed sincere. I felt it in my gut.

  “I’ve been thinking too, Simon, and maybe I overreacted. I guess I judged you by the reputation you have and maybe your age and experience.”

  “Piper, you’re the one who’s been hollering for everyone to see you for the adult you are, yet you’re the very person quoting age and experience, not me. For the record I couldn’t give a fuck what people think. Being a virgin isn’t a prize to me; popping your cherry isn’t some notch I have stashed somewhere I want to mark off.”

  I cringed at how blunt he was talking.

  “What I’m trying to say is I know what you’ve been through. I was there when you told all those stories about Colin. I’ve never wanted to find and kill anyone as much as I did that dude for what he did to you and your mom, but I’m not Colin… and I neither want to hurt or control you, Piper, you deserve much more than that.”

  “Is that what this is about, Simon? You’re worried you feel you have to save me from the wrong guys?” My question wasn’t a challenge, but I had to know I wasn’t someone he felt he had to protect because there was no one else.

  No way would I let any man manipulate, hit, or control me, the way Colin had with my mom. “I know enough to know you’re nothing like Colin, but now you’ve made me wonder if you pity me. Like you want me out of some misplaced duty to keep me safe.”

  “If you really knew anything about me you’d know what you just said was a heap of shit. I’m selfish, Piper. You can see that by how I live. I do what I want, when I want, with whom I want.”

  “And right now, you want me, huh?”

  “Fuck. This isn’t getting us anywhere. Right here, right now. I’m telling you what I feel for you is more than I’ve felt for any girl in the past. You’re already in here, Piper,” he said slapping his chest, “I love everything about you. That’s not to say I’m in love with you. I guess I may get to that after the in-lust phase, but you fucking matter to me. No one else apart from my family and the band have ever mattered to me.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  My eyes narrowed as I studied the seasoned womanizing rock star in front of me. Charismatic and sexy as sin, Simon, processed so much magnetism that women flocked to him like bees to honey, and he professed to have all these feelings or attraction for me.

  Most women had been willing to throw caution to the wind for one night with him but knowing him for as long as I had, there were deeper feelings at play for me. Understanding he felt some of those same feelings for me was hard to imagine.

  Either I accepted he was an honest man, or he was one hell of an actor, because the intense soul-searching look in his eyes felt intimate and true. It terrified me because he sounded genuine and believable.

  “Do you know how difficult it is to get my head around this? Why me, Simon? Of all the women you could have, what is it about me you can’t get past?”

  “For all the reasons I already said the other day, and for how strong you are despite what you’ve been through. You’re so fucking sweet and lively. Baby, your zest for life is inspiring. Besides that, I think you’re sexy as fuck and I feel happy just to be in your company.”

  I shrugged, not knowing how to reply.

  “Do you know how much you turned me on by blowing me out and hightailing it out of my house like that?” he smirked, sheepishly. “I can’t explain it plainer than what I’ve said already. As for you, you just gotta let it happen if you want it, Piper.”

  My eyes ticked over his beautiful face and his gaze was unwaveringly intense as he stared back. Everything about surrendering to my feelings petrified me because I felt I could well have been staring at the man who would break my heart.

  When I remained silent, he tried harder to convince me what he had said was the truth. “Look, I wouldn’t have come all the way down here if I wasn’t sure it’s what I wanted. Trust me, I’m risking it all for the opportunity to see where this leads. If age, inexperience, and trust, are the only things holding you back, fuck those who’ll judge us and trust me. I have enough experience for the both of us and I won’t do you wrong.”

  “Alright, enough with the creepy old man routine,” I replied snickering, “If this happens people are gonna think—”

  “Fuck ‘em, let them think what they want, who cares? We’re not living our lives for them, we’re living for us.” I nodded. He was right they weren’t walking in our shoes. “So you’re in?”

  “I guess but—” I thought about Gibson, their band, and the likely rift this may cause between Simon and Gibson.

  “On your time, babe. Take all the time you need,” he reaffirmed and waved me over beside him.

  Fighting a sudden shyness, I tried to look confident as I unfolded my leg from the chair arm and wandered over and stood in front of him.

  Placing his hands on my hips, he glanced up into my eyes and wiggled my hips back and forth. “Now this,” he tugged the material of my dress gently between one finger and thumb, “This is stunning. It suits you,” he said complimenting it, “And I missed you after you left this weekend,” he added in a tender tone before he pulled me onto his lap.

  Cradling my head, he placed it against his chest. A deep sigh of contentment escaped from his lungs and he swallowed hard as he stroked the skin on my shoulder with his thumb.

  The affectionate gesture felt both soothing and sensual at the same time. I lifted my head, my eyes dropping to his lips, and without hesitation we both went in for a kiss.

  Within seconds any inhibitions about being with Simon slid rapidly from my mind. My arms slid lazily around his neck, his slid t
ighter around my body as my fingers found their way into his hair.

  A stifled moan passed from Simon’s mouth into mine and the desire inside me from days before reignited. Kissing him back with all that I had, it was me who was losing control.

  The solid bulge in his jeans felt like steel beneath me, pressing deliciously hard against my entrance in a way that wasn’t enough. A soft whimper escaped my throat, and I wiggled my hips, creating friction between us. Like before, it was Simon who broke the kiss, and he spun me onto my back on my couch hovering above me.

  “Damn,” he rasped, his breathing labored as his arms vibrated slightly, showing his restraint. “You gotta understand this isn’t easy for me,” he ground out in a husky voice as his lust-filled eyes searched my face.

  “Do it,” I goaded. “Teach me.”

  My demand was met with a wicked smile, his eyes softening with affection. “You’re not there yet,” he stated.

  “What do you mean I’m not there? I’m here, ready and willing, I stated, completely unabashed because lust and desire had taken over.

  I was frustrated beyond measure at waiting to have more with him. “There can’t be that many twenty year old virgins left in the music business now, can there?”

  Shaking his head, he chuckled and shook his head thinking I was only half serious. “Piper, don’t tempt me, baby,” he said in a gravelly tone and his eyes darkened as he stared me out.

  “Isn’t that what I’m supposed to do?” As recently as the day before, I wasn’t sure how, when, or if, I’d sleep with Simon. Less than an hour after having such doubts I felt if I didn’t I’d die. He told me he really did want me and if I hadn’t been ready to take such an important step, I would never have said it.

  “We don’t have to—”

  “Yes. We do,” I said, interrupting his protests. “That is if you’re serious about wanting me?” I teased.

  Standing, he scooped me up in his arms. A thrill of excitement shot through my body, making my heart stutter in my chest and my mind went blank. “Bedroom?” His one word question stole my breath with his sudden change of heart.

  “First door on the right,” I replied, and a buzz travelled through my veins and pulsed in my core. Damn, this is it.

  Carelessly, he kicked the door open and strode toward my bed, setting me down gently. In one fluid movement, he grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it over my head. My long hair flew loose and fell behind my shoulders as his eyes dropped to my firm breasts and my small white lacy thong.

  Swallowing roughly, Simon licked his lips then he drew in a deep, deep breath. Looking up to my face, he eyed me with total intent as he bent his knees without breaking his stare. Oh. My. God. This is really going to happen.

  A long pause stretched out and the air in the room became charged full of expectation, his hungry eyes left mine and travelled down over my mostly bare body. “So fucking pure… everywhere,” he whispered, dropping his gaze to the thin patch of material covering my pussy.

  Reaching down, Simon adjusted his cock in his pants and when he looked back up, he caught me watching him. Smirking he shrugged, “I’m so fucking hard for you, baby.” I felt myself blush because I wanted to ask to see it.

  Swallowing audibly, Simon put his palms over both breasts, thumbs bumping over each pebbled nipple, before his hands swept up to my neck. Placing his thumbs under me he cradled my head in his hands.

  “You’re so fucking special, Piper. I need you to know that before this goes any further. No matter what shit people say—and trust me there’ll be all kinds of shit from cheating to… whatever—I’m the only one who can tell you the truth… and I will. Even if it hurts you. You gotta trust me to do that, baby, you hear?”

  I nodded but didn’t speak, remembering the stories Chloe told me about how the papers were willing to wreck what she and Gibson had for the sake of carrying a sensational headline.

  Dipping his head, he kissed the sensitive spot on my neck, my collar bone, both shoulders, the hollow of my neck, then both breasts.

  A shiver streaked down my spine and I shuddered. Pulling his head back to look at me, Simon gave me a small sensual smile for the effect it had.

  Sliding his tongue slowly across one nipple and then the other, he closed in and engulfed the one on my left with his hot wet mouth.

  A strangled gasp fell from my mouth and my head rolled back as pangs of ecstasy shot all the way through me. Glancing up to gauge my reaction he sucked again then shifted across to the other.

  Delight spread through me in a wave as my hands rose to his hair. He wasn’t gentle and the sensation of the attention he paid to each breast was so thrilling it almost made me come.

  Tightening my grip on a fistful of his thick dark hair, I pulled his head up to look at mine. “More,” I whispered huskily through my dry mouth with desperation unmistakable in my tone.

  My demand was so out of character I had expected Simon to laugh. Instead I was met with his seriously dark, carnal gaze and we stared in silence.

  “Take your clothes off,” I demanded, and Simon’s smile widened.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he replied and pulled his t-shirt over his head. Standing up, he yanked the leather on his belt and the buckle jingled softly as he unfastened it. Popping the button in his jeans, he unzipped the fly and shoved his jeans down his legs. As before, Simon wore nothing underneath.

  Stepping out of his pants he stood with his cock jutting toward me and smiled. “Better?”

  How much I craved to hold his cock in my hand shocked me. Never in my life had I felt so forward to take what I wanted from a situation. “Come closer,” I urged him.

  Simon stood with his toes to the edge of the bed and I wrapped my fingers around his cock as far as I could and caressed it in my palm.

  A small hiss escaped Simon’s lips as I stood and gently moved my hand against the satin skin covering the solid flesh I knew would eventually satisfy both my curiosity and my desire. His reaction to my touch egged me on.

  Sliding my other arm tentatively around his hip, I slid my inquisitive fingertips over his silky smooth skin, traced them over his hip and around to his sculpted abs. As soon as my fingers had connected with his warm firm body he shuddered.

  “Fuck,” he muttered as he huffed out a breath and I felt myself smile. Millions of tiny bumps erupted all over his body in an instant reaction of how I affected him. “Damn, I’ve never gone so slow at this before.”

  A feeling of power the likes of which I had never known before radiated through me, giving me confidence and it spurred me on to want more from him.

  My eyes dropped from his torso to his groin and I traced my wandering hand to meet the other still holding his cock. I rolled it between both of my palms as Simon’s stance grew wider giving me better access. I then gave him a few strokes while my other hand played with his balls.

  A small dewy drop of pre-cum leaked from the head of his shaft and trailed down my finger. I used this and smoothed it over his tip. “Damn, baby, you’re killing me,” he muttered, showing great patience as he stood impassively allowing me to explore him.

  A series of soft sighs and long moans passed from Simon’s lips as his pelvis bucked forward every now and then like he was desperate to have more and I couldn’t believe he was reacting like he was to my actions.

  Eventually, Simon placed his hand over mine and stroked his cock in the way he wanted from me. Squeezing my fingers gently, he taught me the right amount of pressure to bear.

  Concentrating on getting it right, I paid attention to what he was doing but when I looked up and saw his half-closed eyes and the way he was biting his lip, I knew his moans weren’t done to be polite but were spontaneous and out of delight.

  After some time, he let me go solo and readdressed his attention on me. With firmer hands than before he explored, his sweeping movements more deliberate, and targeted over erogenous zones in my body I had yet to discover myself.

  “You, okay?” he asked, his breathing b
arely controlled by the way he breathed through his nose. They were ragged, fast, or stolen little breaths.

  “No. I need more,” I urged, completely unfiltered and wanton; my senses alive as my body clung on the edge of something bigger than I knew.

  The words had barely passed my lips when my feet were kicked from under me and I landed flat on my back on my bed. Moving swiftly, he swept his hands under my knees, lifted them toward my chest and splayed them wide for his pleasure.

  Staring down with intent to my thong he asked, “Like this? You want more?” I nodded, and his fingers trailed across the thin material covering my pussy and rubbed gently over my clit. I moaned as a thrill shot through me, leaving a small wave of vibration lingering in its wake.

  Grabbing both sides of the thong he slipped it down my legs, barely managing to get one foot out before he assumed the same stance. “How’s this?” he asked, his fingers sliding up my outer lips before he parted them to look at my pussy in more detail and a whimper left my lips.

  “Damn, baby, look at you,” he murmured with hot lust in his eyes as he gently explored my clit and entrance.

  “Mm, feels incredible,” I said, before the echo of an “Oh,” got stuck in my throat. Arching my back, I lifted my butt for a firmer connection, but Simon pushed me flat against the mattress again.

  “Easy, babe,” he soothed, pushing my butt back on the bed with a flat hand over my stomach to keep me there as he explored my seam from back to front.

  The sensation his fingers evoked in me was off the charts, especially when his middle finger teased and discovered my slick wet entrance.

  In another swift move his hot tongue replaced his finger, and he lapped and sucked my pussy with such force I almost came. Staring unblinkingly, his eyes looked serious as he ate me out.

  A long groan passed from Simon’s mouth and traveled straight through me. “Fuck,” he said, barely lifting his mouth away as he ground the cuss out before another hiss passed his lips.

  My butt rose up to meet him at the lack of contact and this time he held it in the air with his hands as he licked at my clit, entrance and almost my butt. My whole body was on fire, yet I needed more.